TPU innertubes / TPU slanger

Made of High-performance TPU / Thermoplastisk Poly Uretan particles from Germany

RideNow: As one of the earliest companies in the world to produce inner tubes using TPU as a material, RideNow is convinced that the advantages of TPU inner tubes are simply too great. Its superior performance in various aspects will eventually make it gradually replace the traditional butyl rubber inner tube and become the most mainstream inner tube product in the bicycle market.

TPU stands for = ”Thermoplastisk Poly Uretan”

RideNow TPU slanger

= 19 gram (ONLY DISC)
   Suitable for 700×18-28C tires

RideNow TPU slanger

= 24 gram (DISC & RIM)
   Suitable for 700×18-28C tires

RideNow TPU slanger

= 36 gram (DISC & RIM)
   Suitable for 700×18-32C tires

RideNow TPU slanger

= 45 gram (DISC & RIM)
   Suitable for 700×32-47C tires

RideNow TPU slanger

= 56 gram (DISC & RIM)
   Suitable for 1,9×2,5" tires

RideNow TPU slanger
RideNow TPU slanger




preload spinner

Ridenow innertubes
Ridenow accessories
Ridenow innertubes


Research and development:
In order to ensure that innertube can unleash energy, RideNow has made a lot of efforts and attempts from material formulation to production technology, and ultimately obtained the Race Formula for the inner tube.
High quality air valve:
RideNow uses special reinforcing materials to make TPU inner tube valves, which are structurally stable, sturdy, and durable.
180000 molecular weight high-performance TPU particles from Germany

Se Instructions for installation HERE